Everything you see here included in 1 package. The scope and purpose of this page is to provide your estate management, directors or HOA with the legal information and modus operandi attached to the management and implementation of our service to you. It is our primary goal to make sure that your business/estate is fully compliant (and stay that way), this will mean that you will not be exposed to the penalties and fines stipulated within Section 38 . The tabs to follow will clearly indicate what should be done to ensure your estate remains compliant, please have a look through these requirements, and furthermore keep in mind that this is the duties we will perform to ensure you are compliant. It should be noted that the information provided is of a legal nature, legislation constantly changes, and therefore each stipulation is of utmost importance as it enfolds the current/valid legislation (you are welcome to click on each tab to download the legislation). Our service will always include compliance to the applicable/valid legislation, regardless of the fact that the legislation in question might change or be amended during the term of this agreement.